150 North Robertson Blvd., Suite 204 Beverly Hills, CA 90211

(310) 659-1300

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Two esteemed gastroenterology medical doctors, Dr. Marc Edelstein and Dr. Susan Edelstein, direct the Beverly Hills Gastroenterology in Beverly Hills, CA. Our doctors are experienced, skilled, and knowledgeable in all aspects of the gastroenterology system. Today they’re going to help you understand the uncurable but manageable irritable bowel syndrome.

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS?

IBS is a frequent diagnosis in our society. The most common symptoms are chronic abdominal pain, bloating, gas, one or both of diarrhea and constipation, feelings of still needing to poop after having a BM, and possible mucus in the stool. These side effects of IBS are well-managed through medication, diet, and lifestyle changes.

Types of IBS

  • IBS with constipation - hard, lumpy poop
  • IBS with diarrhea - loose, watery poop
  • IBS, mixed - hard, lumpy, loose, watery poop

Causes of IBS

Dr. Marc and Dr. Susan Edelstein at Beverly Hills Gastroenterology in Beverly Hills, CA, explain that your brain regulates all vital organs and body systems. A communication problem between the brain and gut could cause irritable bowel syndrome, which in turn may cause:

  • Dysmotility – changes in how the muscles of your GI system contract and digest food
  • Visceral hypersensitivity - extra-sensitive nerves in your GI system
  • Changes in gut bacteria
  • Severe Infections
  • Food sensitivities
  • Mild, moderate, and severe stress
  • Specific diagnoses - depression, PTSD, anxiety, chronic pelvic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia

We can diagnose IBS after performing a medical exam, gathering a medical history, reviewing symptoms, and conducting a SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) test. SIBO can be measured by a breath test.

Treating and Preventing Symptoms

Not everyone has the same symptoms or pain level or needs the same treatment. We individualize a unique plan of care based on your body. However, there are things that IBS patients commonly benefit from:

  • We take an in-depth look at your diet and adjust it according to your symptoms. You may have to avoid lactose, gluten, and hard-to-digest foods.
  • We encourage you to drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day.
  • Keeping a food diary initially helps you get on the right diet track.
  • We encourage an age-appropriate exercise plan daily.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Initiate relaxation exercises such as yoga, and meditation
  • 1:1 behavior therapy may be beneficial.
  • Medication therapy

Call us immediately if you experience:

  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Diarrhea interfering with sleep and activities
  • Severe abdominal pain

If you are looking for skilled gastroenterologists in Beverly Hills, CA, call Dr. Marc and Dr. Susan Edelstein today at (310) 659-1300 to schedule your appointment for an irritable bowel syndrome consultation. Don't forget to schedule your yearly colonoscopy beginning at age 50.

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